Welcome to the FIRST EVER Summit of Grace! 

A Movement of Grace that Covers the Moral Injury of Abortion with Hope, Healing and Love

If you, or someone you love has been wounded by abortion in any way, we hear you. You are not alone. If you serve those who have been negatively impacted by abortion in your profession or ministry, we can help you unpack the complexities surrounding abortion.

For three incredible days, we will be sojourners, learning together the devastation that abortion can have and recognizing the impact of moral injury.

50+ Sought-After Speakers

  • Understand the Experience
  • Find Hope and Healing
  • Step into Grace & Forgiveness
  • ​Restore peace within yourself, others, and God.
  • Equip your practice, congregation or ministry to support those who have been scarred by abortion.

This is your invitation to join us for the first ever Summit of Grace...
Walking in Grace - Turning From Toxic Shame!

You are cordially invited...

September 25th-27th, 2020, over 50 of the world's top leaders are coming together for one purpose -- To learn why and how abortion(s) can wound, in ALL areas of life, and to help guide you from Injury to Recovery.

Kay Lyn Carlson is researching and developing an application of moral injury to abortion wounds - and her findings unlock the potential for men and women worldwide to find healing and rediscover their happiness, beauty, and fulfillment.

Meet your host and some of the incredible speakers who will be joining us, and the topics they'll be covering for you:

Kay Lyn Carlson, LMSW, has been sharing her courageous story of grace, educating and encouraging men and women at speaking events. She is a local and national speaker with experience at the United Nations, American Association of Christian Counselors, Heartbeat International, and at various women’s conferences and church groups. Her message is captivating and transformational, leaving her audience moved to action and to begin their healing journey with a community of women alongside them.

Kay Lyn’s calling as a speaker has touched thousands of individuals around the world. Her story is impactful and sure to spark a healing transformation in your life. Testimonies have been included to demonstrate the impact Kay Lyn’s story of grace has had on individuals lives. 

Welcome to the Possibility of You!

Moral injury is present when there has been:

  • (a) a betrayal of “what’s right”
  • (b) either by a person in legitimate authority or by one’s self—“I did it”
  • (c) in a high stakes situation. (Shay, 2104 Psychoanalytic Psychology)
  • (a) a betrayal of “what’s right”
  • (b) either by a person in legitimate authority or by one’s self—“I did it”
  • (c) in a high stakes situation. (Shay, 2104 Psychoanalytic Psychology)

Dr. Curt Thompson. M.D.

Globally Recognized Speaker & Author, Founder of Being Known, LLC, Author of The Soul of Shame

Kay Lyn Carlson, LMSW

Your Event Host, President of Choose Grace International, Author, Speaker, Vlogger, & Researcher

Harold Koenig, M.D.

Moral Injury Expert, Board Certified Psychiatrist in family medicine and geriatric psychiatry, has over 500 scientific peer-reviewed publications

Gina Prince, Ph.D.

Two time Published Author of “Born into Sin, Transformed into Destiny” , Speaker, Blogger, Author and Radio Show Host

Everett Worthington, Ph.D.

Globally Recognized Speaker, Researcher & Author, Expert in Forgiveness 

Martha Shuping, M.D.

Co-author of published research on abortion and women's mental health, Psychiatry specialist in private practice

Barbara Lowe, Ph.D., LP, BCC, SEP

Author, Speaker, Podcaster, and Therapist, Expert in Overcoming Shame, Creator of Hearts Returning Home

Kevin Burke MSS, LSW

Co-Founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, Pastoral Associate for Priests for Life

Theresa Burke, M.A., Ph.D.

Founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, the largest post-abortion ministry in the country , Author of “Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion”

Father Frank Pavone

National Director of Priests for Life, Addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the United States House of Representatives

Rachel MacNair, Ph.D.

American Sociologist, activist against abortion and war, published author of textbook, “Psychology of Peace”

Warren Williams

Founder of Fathers and Brothers Ministry, Published Author of “Fatherhood Loss” Men’s Bible Study

Topics Include...

What Moral Injury is, the significance of Moral Injury and its detrimental effects and steps to recovery. The Summit of Grace will explore the 10 Dimensions of Moral Injury and 9 Recovery Dimensions developed by Harold Koenig and adapted to healing from the Moral Injury of Abortion:

Dimensions of Moral Injury

  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Betrayal by Others
  • ​Moral Concerns
  • ​Loss of Meaning/Purpose
  • ​Difficulty Forgiving
  • ​Loss of Trust
  • ​Self Condemnation
  • ​Spiritual Struggles
  • ​Loss of Faith

(Koenig et al., 2018)

What Do You Mean "Online Summit?"

If you have an internet connection, then you can be part of this event. During the event, the sessions will be broadcast online to everyone that signs up (for FREE). 
No Travel...
No Tickets...
No Hotels...
No Childcare Costs...
We bring the experts right to you!

Over These 3 Life-Changing Days, You Will:

  • Find Comfort in Healing
  • ​Understand Why You’ve Been Feeling the Way You Feel - and GET FREE!
  • ​Explore Betrayal
  • ​Experience HEALING
  • ​Exchange Loneliness For Belonging
  • ​Acknowledge Your Grief and Take Steps Towards Finding Meaning and Experiencing Joy.
  • ​Understand and Overcome Emotional Stuck Places.
  • ​Move Towards Freedom From Anxiety, Depression and/or Perfectionism.
  • ​Move Towards Freedom From Heavy Burdens and Find Peace.
  • ​Change Dynamics for Generations.

Pastors, Group Leaders, Social Workers, and Therapists - Learn how to Better Help Your Clients with ALL Of the Above

What Others Are Saying About Kay Lyn's Message of Grace:

"Kay Lyn Carlson is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. Her boldness in telling her story, standing on the frontline and helping women all over the world is phenomenal. She is informative and efficient. I have learned so much from her. Working with Kay Lyn was amazing. I am certainly looking forward to doing whatever I can to help with her mission."
— Dr. Gina R. Prince
“Kay Lyn's testimony truly moved me to tears not just because of how traumatic it is to have lost her child but because of the love she developed for her child and the forgiveness she has achieved, through God, for herself and those who were involved. The day she shared her testimony, she didn't preach at me about repentance, but about the grace, forgiveness, and healing you will receive from Christ Jesus. I have lost parts of myself in the decisions I made, however Jesus met me where I was at and brought me back together.”
— S.G.
"Kay Lyn brings grace and truth and educates in a gentle way. I think many women will identify with her story."
— Kelsi Evans

Ecclesiastes 4: 9

"Two are better than one… If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."

The Summit of Grace Is For You If:

You have experienced abortion or care about someone who has and you or they…
  • ​Feel desperate, isolated, alone or misunderstood
  • ​Are hurting and want healing
  • ​Feel stuck in your life or relationship with God
  • ​Experience challenging relationships
  • ​Have secret areas of brokenness
  • ​Battle unresolved guilt or toxic shame

  • ​Are longing for freedom from painful memories

  • Want to make amends but don’t know how

  • ​Feel betrayed by others
  • ​Feel that nobody understands your pain
  • ​Are grieving your loss
If any of these describe you... please register for a spot at the Summit of Grace 2020. It's time.


The Summit is an event that individuals can be educated, heal, and prevent the Moral Injury of Abortion. You will be able to hear personal stories from our speakers and feel connected and understood!

We Love You, We Care About You, and What We Have Put Together is Absolutely Life Changing

You Are Worth Healing

Get Access To The World's Experts Who Will Help You Live in Grace, Banish Shame, and Find Freedom in Your Faith Walk

Register your spot at the Summit of Grace which will provide you not only the INFORMATION you need to live whole and with purpose but the CONNECTION to the people and resources to close the distance between you and God, and between you and wholeness.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity - This Weekend Could Change Your Life

Here are more of the Summit of Grace World-Renowned Speakers.
We cannot wait for you to join us!

Lisa Kratz Thomas

Served on a Senate Sub-Committee, Published Author, Speaker and former radio show host

Millie Lace, MSE, LPC-S

Director at Concepts of Truth, Inc., Founder & Director of International Helpline for Abortion Recovery 

Sheila Harper

Founder and President of SaveOne, Author of Survivor: A Journey Through Abortion and Back

Sherry Neuenschwander

Consultant for The International Helpline for Abortion Recovery and Prevention, Co-Writer of Concepts of Recovery the Journey

Susan Dyer-Layer, LCSW

Director of Passages of Hope, Developer of Young Adult Passages of Hope Prevention Groups

Gregory Hasek MA/MFT LPC, LMHC

Licensed Counselor, specializes in Fatherhood Loss, Director of SWFL Christian Counseling 360, Author at Men and Abortion

Theresa Bonopartis

Entering Canaan was co-founded by Theresa Bonopartis and the Sisters of Life

Perry Underwood

Founder of Abortion Anonymous (AbAnon) and Sexual Abuse/Violence Anonymous (SAVAnon)

Cynthia Collins

Founder of SpeakHope World Generation Outreach, Speaker, Writer, Life and Hope Advocate

Georgette Forney

President of Anglicans for Life, Co-Founder, Silent No More Awareness Campaign

Catherine Coyle, RN, MSN, Ph.D.

Author of Men and Abortion, Co-director of the Alliance for Post-Abortion Research and Training

Pastor Mark Nicholson

Executive Director of PassionLife Ministries

Tessa Longbons

Research Associate with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Abortion Statistics and Trends Analyst

Katherine Rafferty, Ph.D., M.A.

Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute

Cathie Hughes, DPhil

Omega Graduate School, Choose Grace International Board Member

Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D.

Professor at Bowling Green State University, Researcher of the Correlation between Abortion and Mental Health Issues

Jackie Williams, M.A.

Licensed Resident in Counseling

Serena Dyksen

Founder, Author and Speaker of "She Found His Grace". 

Father Nigel Mumford

Founder of "By His Wounds" Healing Ministry. Former Royal Marine Commando Drill Instructor. International Speaker. Creator of the "Welcome Home Initiative"

Mark and Lisa Beair

Ministry Leaders and Educators Using Their Personal Testimony

Pastor Derek Futrell

Senior Pastor at Parkway Baptist Church.

Jesse Gill, Psy.D.

Christian Psychologist. Author of “Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage”.

Phillip Kline, J.D.

Former Attorney who Served as a Kansas State Legislator, District Attorney of Johnson County, and Kansas Attorney General. Associate Professor of Law.

Get Access To The World's Experts Who Will Help You Live in Grace, Banish Shame, and Find Freedom in Your Faith Walk

Register your spot at the Summit of Grace which will provide you not only the INFORMATION you need to live whole and with purpose but the CONNECTION to the people and resources to get you unstuck and strengthen your walk with God. You were made to leave a LEGACY!

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